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Showing posts from June, 2022

Procrastination a thief of time -Edward Young

 (Extemporary Speech) Procrastination is a thief of time. Procrastinating things unnecessarily, causes people to waste their precious time. We the people have the tendency to procrastinate things a lot. If we have enough time for that particular job or a work people would rather wait for that day to arrive than do it sooner. For example, the students usually procrastinate the Assignment thinking that there is a lot of time until the deadline but when the deadline approaches, student rushes to do their assignment in a stressful manner. When you procrastinate things, it causes people to do things in a hurry which eventually leads to academic dishonesty and sometimes failing to do things in the given time. When you do things on time you are considered one of the most trusted and valuable people in society whereas if you are always late on doing things and have a habit of procrastinating things, society will not trust you. Therefore, we people usually procrastinate things. It is a normal t

Internet Boon the Ordinary People of Bhutan

  The Internet is a global network that connects people and makes things more advance and easy. According to the article written by Dennis in Britannica (2022), the internet is a system architecture that allows various computer networks around the world to interconnect. It is a network of networks. The internet is so powerful that it allows people to connect and provides every individual with varieties of information. Nowadays, in Bhutan, every individual owns a cell phone with an internet connection making them more informative and creative. Not only that, the internet allows Bhutanese to know more about the other countries and their living which was not possible without the internet. As a result, the introduction of the internet in Bhutan help people communicate with each other easily. To begin with, the internet allows people from different corners to come together and communicate with each other helping people to be more informative and stay connected. Having been introduced to the