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Internet Boon the Ordinary People of Bhutan

 The Internet is a global network that connects people and makes things more advance and easy. According to the article written by Dennis in Britannica (2022), the internet is a system architecture that allows various computer networks around the world to interconnect. It is a network of networks. The internet is so powerful that it allows people to connect and provides every individual with varieties of information. Nowadays, in Bhutan, every individual owns a cell phone with an internet connection making them more informative and creative. Not only that, the internet allows Bhutanese to know more about the other countries and their living which was not possible without the internet. As a result, the introduction of the internet in Bhutan help people communicate with each other easily.

To begin with, the internet allows people from different corners to come together and communicate with each other helping people to be more informative and stay connected. Having been introduced to the internet, it created a virtual world of information and resources that are easily assessable to people. One of the obvious benefits of the internet is it managed to connect different parts of the world with each other and Bhutan is one of them.   Even if we compare Bhutan’s condition in the nineties and after the introduction of the internet, the people of Bhutan were not aware of what was happening around the world but after the introduction of the internet Bhutanese are able to connect with each other through various social media platforms. According to Bhutan Broadcasting Service (BBS) (2019), the major impact of the internet in Bhutan was that even the remote parts of Bhutan were able to use social media such as Wechat and messenger to communicate with each other. This made the people of Bhutan stay connected with each other and the passing of necessary messages was fast and easy. Unlike in the olden days, people have to move from one place to another just to provide the necessary information to the people on time. However, the internet made things easier and faster. Therefore internet made the life of Bhutanese much easier and more informative.

To conclude, the internet is a part of Bhutan, and it eventually helps Bhutanese people to communicate with each other through the means of social media. It allows the people in a different countries to communicate virtually through video calling or with the help of text messages. Bhutanese are becoming more advanced because of all the information provided on the internet and more connected with the outer world because of all the social media platforms introduced as a result of the introduction of the internet in the country. Therefore, the introduction of the internet in Bhutan made the life of Bhutanesemore convenient.


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